Growing Curious Minds

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About Quantum Academy


Welcome to Quantum Academy, a groundbreaking educational platform designed to inspire and educate the next generation of young innovators. Our classes are meticulously crafted to unlock the mysteries of the universe, making the fascinating world of physics, science and engineering accessible and engaging for children. Join us on an extraordinary journey where learning meets imagination and curiosity knows no bounds.


These top-rated courses introduce learners to the exciting worlds of physics and science!

A Beginners Guide to Aeronautics

In this 12-session course, we'll dive into learning about aeronautics, motion physics, airplane design, rocketry and aerodynamics! 

Atoms & The Periodic Table of Elements

This innovative chemistry course introduces young learners to the amazing world of atoms, molecules and the Periodic Table of Elements!

Quantum Frontiers

Explore exciting frontiers of quantum physics including dark matter, dark energy, antimatter and the Standard Model of Particle Physics in this engaging STEM course! 

Astronomy for Kids with Observatory Telescopes

Students learn to use real observatory telescopes in Chile & the Canary Islands to explore a wide range of astronomy topics!

Classes by Subject Area


Learn about atoms, molecules and foundational chemistry concepts


Discover the exciting world of quantum physics!


Explore our universe and learn advanced science concepts! 

What parents are saying:

We loved the hand on approach with the molecule kit and learning the different bonds. Also the additional materials that were given as resources were excellent.

Highly recommended and wish that the course would be longer. Students are provided well-paced classess that keep them engaged, asked good questions, was thought provoking and challenging at time. A++++

Amazing class. Recently I had the pleasure of enrolling my child in this class, and I must say it was an outstanding experience. As a parent, I wanted my kid to enhance his creativity and teamwork skills, and the teacher delivered beyond expectations.

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